Специалист по конфликтологии, переходному правосудию и гендерным проблемам, профессор Марбургского университета. Публикации: (with Thorsten Bonacker, eds.) Transitions from Violence. Special Issue of the International Journal of Conflict and Violence. Vol. 7. No. 1. 2013; Redressing Sexual Violence in Transitional Justice and the Labelling of Woman as 'Victims'. In: Victims in Transitional Justice (edited by T. Bonacker and C. Safferling), T. C. M. Asser (2013); (with Teresa Koloma Beck, Friederike Mieth and Julia Viebach): Redressing Violence in Sub-Sahara Africa. In: The Routledge Handbook of International Crime and Justice Studies (edited by Bruce Arrigo and Heather Bersot). Abingdon: Routledge (2013) и др.